The seminar "Reproductive potential of Russia: versions and contra-versions" (or "Sochi contra-versions", as regular participants like to call this event) is a global annual gathering of specialists in the field of women's and family reproductive health — obstetricians, neonatologists, ultrasound diagnostics doctors, obstetrician anesthesiologists, ART specialists, heads of health care institutions, medical law professionals. For the 12th time, the resort (summer, sports) capital of the country will host guests — the most progressive representatives of the industry, competent doctors who are always interested in "Contra-versions", who have something to tell to their colleagues, and who have what to discuss.
Geographically, two conference venues that are the title for the entire South of Russia have been consolidated under the "Sochi contra-versions": The exhibition center of the country-famous Grand hotel "Zhemchuzhina" and the architectural dominant of the city — the Winter theater — is the main official tribune of Sochi, a municipal platform that hosts important Protocol social and scientific events. The participants are presented with an exhibition spread over two exhibition sites and a scientific program that takes place in fourteen thematic halls and presents more than 700 scientific reports.
The seminar has been held since 2008 on the initiative of “StatusPraesens” — editorial Board of specialized journals "StatusPraesens. Gynecology, obstetrics and infertile marriage" and "StatusPraesens. Pediatrics and neonatology". In the first year of the "contra-version", only 572 delegates attended, but even then a strong trend was set to attract medical attention: last year (2018), the event gathered more than 4050 participants (delegates, guests, exhibitors, representatives of the press, government agencies and public organizations). The geographical coverage of the 2018 audience includes specialists from 17 countries, 84 regions of Russia, and 369 cities.
The popular progressive and open-to-dialogue format of contra-versions has long been the hallmark of the event and the main component of the success of the Sochi September professional meetings. We are waiting for specialists in the discussed areas of medical knowledge from September 7 to 10, 2019.
Only for medical professionals, 18+.
More information on the organizer's website